It stll seems strange that I live in Illinois. I've been dealing with a bit of depression (I think) lately. I don't know if its the long days and I'm just tired all the time or if there is something else going on. My birthday is coming up Friday and I won't have the celebration I had last year at work. Flowers, bears and lunch out. But really, those things were trappings and I only talk to one of the women who participated in that show of affection now. Does the grandness of the gesture prove it is just a gesture?
I have lots to write about. I went to a private concert for about 50 people by Steve Holy a couple weeks ago. He sings Good Morning Beautiful, and I've got a Brand New Girlfriend. His stage presence was very bright and entertaining. But then we got in the line to do autographs and he was a little standoffish. So I couldn't get my picture taken with him at all. But I got one with one of the two guitar players from his band, Adam. He was eating bbq from Bandannas a local bbq place that uses WIL 92.3. He was great and didn't mind stopping and getting a picture. The calm before the fame, I guess. Steve was just too worried about catching his plane.
So that was fun. I took off during the day at lunch, we had an extra hour since we made our "team" goal given to us, so with that, I didn't even lose any paid time. And I went to a new part of St. Louis I hadn't been before, Creve Couer. Don't ask. It must be like Couer d Alene. Maybe its an indian name from the Lewis and Clark party?
Well, all this fun had ruined my diet plans. I was down three pounds from where I am today but between the bbq, the casino night party, the Anheiser Busch tour, United Way's bbq, and dart nights, I have fallen off the diet wagon. I put the list of stuff in above, so that I'll remember to write about them. Hopefully. But its almost 6 am and I need to get ready for work. This week is busy as I have my Texas renewals to get done. Both the other states are started as far as I can go. And, September/October are all done!
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