Sunday, October 14, 2007

Fall Cleaning

Well, my birthday has come and gone with little trepidation this year. Have to say I'm glad I'm 47, the alternative didn't look so good. I've had a few issues to deal with this year but I'm healing up from the radiation and starting to feel stronger from the chemo, but now I have to go have three teeth pulled. I'm suppose to have four but my insurance only covers a $1000 a year and I think financially, I'll keep that one wisdom tooth until it decides to give me trouble or at least until my insurance year changes. I got the hospital bill part for the radiation last week. $42k. Thank God for insurance. I can't even imaging the emotional toll this would take on me without it. I'm still struggling financially due to the co payments and such but it's a drop in the bucket compared to what it could be and I'm seeing a light a the end of the tunnel.

Work is fine as usual. Nothing big going on. Well, I guess that's wrong. I'm doing a training for the whole NVA group on 11-1 on the 15 cent certification tests. With this training under my belt, I'll be able to apply for senior in January and then I'll be at the top except for supervisor for my team. So then on to other challenges.

Writing. I rewrote or retyped the first four chapters of my romance novel that is tenatively called Paris or Bust. Its the story of Sandra who's recently divorced, had been seeing a married man (Tom) and meets Chance through a singles ad she posts. Their trials start when her work (and Tom works with her) starts to drive a wedge between them and she is faced with the choice of moving up in her company or a more laid back life with Chance. Or is it that simple? Do women have to choose between the men in their lives or a truely successful career. Or is a successful life focused on a career that you work to live rather than live to work? We'll see what Sandra decides.

I've started a murder mystery based in Cambria, Ca. It's the story of an amature PI who finds her friend dead of apparently natural causes. After all Miss Emily is pushing 80. But Jill thinks things are looking a little fishy and goes off to discover that the small town mayor and his council are doing more for Cambria's future than just keeping the small town a tourist trap. And while she's looking, she finds plenty of other possible suspects in Miss Emily's past, a past she kept hidden for more than 30 years. Jill is trying to finalize Miss Emily's will, keep her own business going, and deal with the mysterious nephew who has popped into the picture, looking for his piece of the pie.

So between that and trying to figure out a budget to get all these bills paid, that's my life. What's going on with you?