Of course when the alarm went off this am, I thought it was Monday and started berating myself on the things I didn't get done this weekend. I even woke Jim up. Now, I find that funny.
But why do I love Sunday's. I try to do things for me on Sunday. Walk the dogs, read the newspaper, maybe even pull out a novel and get a few pages in. But lately HGTV has been taking up my time with Design Star. Thank goodness David won last night and I won't have to worry about that any more. I never understood why people would watch American Idol, but boy I got hooked on Design Star. Luckly, HGTV knows my time is short and ran a marathon so I could watch all the episodes, almost, at the same time. I guess I feel like interior design is more interesting than singing. And they seemed like intellegent people for the most part, but you do get involved in the drama and want certain people to lose because face it, they just don't get along with others.
I think playing well with others is probably the one key element of success in today's world. Yea, we all like the ruthless business man sterio type, but we all root on his demise as well. After all my bosses and my different jobs, in and out of the government, non-profit, and for profit world, the one lesson I've learned is you have to be good to work with or you can make everyone's life miserable. You can only work for the world's biggest witch for so long before you lose yourself and need to find another job.
When I threw my desk chair at home across the kitchen because one of my co workers had stolen one of my ideas and was getting promoted because of it, I knew it was time to leave the Toxic Environment. There has been a lot written about Toxic workplaces, but I don't think people really take it seriously.
I was working with this one lady who had a supervisor who was out to get her. Really. She had even told me that she thought this worker needed to leave and she was going to be the one who did it. When Sara (name changed) came to talke to me in tears about the latest mean, cruel discussion she had endured from Mrs. Hateful, I was dealing with my own Mrs. Spiteful, and gave her the speech I had been giving myself.
The only thing in the world you can change is your attitude about how you react to their comments. If you let them affect you, they win. If you truely can't take their involvement in your life anymore, you need to find something else to do. We work with people for more hours out of the day than we spend with our family and loved ones. You need to chose the ones you work with in a positive manner. Don't burn your bridge if you decide to leave, but leave if you need to. Or make the decision to stay and change the way you react.
Sara took this advice, stayed and eventually was moved to another supervisor who she loved. But she dealt with Mrs. Hateful in a calm, professional manner, and didn't let her barbs affect her. She used the "That may be true" response when told how to change her work and then did the best job she could.
So I love Sunday's. Time to reflect on the week. Time to find myself. Time to examine how I have reacted this week and make plans for next week to be better.
And now, I throw darts on Sunday nights. We will have to see if I like that or not.
Later, LYnn
Thoughts about surviving breast cancer, being a writer, and living 1600 miles away from home.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
Sunday, September 03, 2006
New picture

I found this picture from a pile of old undeveloped film I have. I have made it a goal to get it all developed by the end of the year. Imaging my surprise when I opened up the picture envelope at Wal-Mart and found these pics from when I was livng with the child molester and supporting his harem. But, I was skinny. So I threw away a lot of the pictures but kept the ones that I liked.
Has it really been a month?
Ok, I am so sorry. I can't believe I haven't stopped in for over a month to write. I can tell you that I'm working 9 hours a day, driving 1.5 hours (when traffic is good) and basically tired out. Working out has become a thing of the past, the dishes sit until one of us gets tired of them, and I'm asleep by 9 at the latest which has made it more important for me to get a DVR. Do you hear that Charter? I don't care if it is a popular item! This household must have one before the new seasons start so I can watch Medium and Ghost Whisperer without worrying about falling asleep.
But, I was talking to my sister (on email today-I don't use the phone, which makes the below story even more relevant.) and came up with a picture of me in my new job that I wanted to share. Usually, I just share the good stuff so this is a streach for me. (BTW-Did I tell you I got a raise within a month of my hire date? See, it's impossible for me to stop with all the good news crap.)
So I was reading untitled.com, a very clever new blog my sister turned me on to and she said:
"They don’t talk at precisely the wrong second, allowing someone else to talk over them, thus nullifying their comments and ensuring their status as “the slow woman in the corner with barbeque sauce on her shirt.”
Boy, have I felt like that before, totally invisible. Which brings me to my story. I made a major fuba (is that how you spell it?) at work last month. We had a Wecome new hires breakfast, left the lunchroom where they feed us and made us do a stupid "Lets find out about you game" where I said the best kitchen appliance was a blender, but what I really meant to say was one of those expensive mixers that everyone gets as a wedding present, unless like me, you are 8 months pregnant and everyone is just glad you are getting married, even if he is an asshole. But back to my mistake. Or should I say my most recent mistake.
So we leave the lunchroom and go to the training room which is really neat and I'm going to have to call my old trainer buddy and let her know about the full whiteboard wall they have. There is a man standing outside the room with a suit on. I'm figuring hes a trainer as we are a business professional dress corporation. Nope, he's the VP of Fleet Services and I walk right by him like he's a janitor, holding the door. Everyone else stops and shakes his hand. He notices I walk right by and Kathy, the other new girl who was raised with manners, says something to me about saying hello. I say, is it manditory? Stupid, huh? So I guess my glass ceiling has come down a few floors and being a trainer there is probably out the window.
But, I like my job mostly. Sometimes I don't have anything to do, so I started designed a training program for new employees for their Xerox system that makes and stores copies of everything they do so they don't have to keep files. Boy, DHW at home needs to look into this. This system would save a Brazilian rain forest in the amount of trees saved for paper. And I'm not getting a cutback from Xerox for saying this, although they are welcome to call me to get my mailing address for any checks they feel inclined to send my way.
I have been doing a lot of reading, at breaks and at lunch. But everyone wants to come and sit and eat lunch with me. (See note above.) Maybe I'm just not a friendly type? And now, I don't get invited out to lunch when they go. See now I'm whining again. I want it all my way. Leave me alone when I want to read but invite me to eat out with you when I'm feeling lonely and cut off from the world. In other words, read my mind.
So writing, I have started a health journal to track my thoughts about losing, there is no try, this weight. I can be back in my nice clothes by the new year according to this new "Spark Diet" program. But I freak when I try to limit myself, so I'm writing about my freaking.
And, I sent an essay to Cup of Comfort for Writers. I finished my "Personal Trainers from Hell" finally and now need to research a market to send it to. I still have to write my Grit submission, Corn, corn- I think this is going to be about growing up and going through the corn freezing party we always had. But I haven't written it yet, so who knows.
Anyway, I'll be a better poster, I promise. I'm writing down an appointment for a couple of days from now. Thanks for stopping in. And Janet, thanks for bugging me about not posting.
But, I was talking to my sister (on email today-I don't use the phone, which makes the below story even more relevant.) and came up with a picture of me in my new job that I wanted to share. Usually, I just share the good stuff so this is a streach for me. (BTW-Did I tell you I got a raise within a month of my hire date? See, it's impossible for me to stop with all the good news crap.)
So I was reading untitled.com, a very clever new blog my sister turned me on to and she said:
"They don’t talk at precisely the wrong second, allowing someone else to talk over them, thus nullifying their comments and ensuring their status as “the slow woman in the corner with barbeque sauce on her shirt.”
Boy, have I felt like that before, totally invisible. Which brings me to my story. I made a major fuba (is that how you spell it?) at work last month. We had a Wecome new hires breakfast, left the lunchroom where they feed us and made us do a stupid "Lets find out about you game" where I said the best kitchen appliance was a blender, but what I really meant to say was one of those expensive mixers that everyone gets as a wedding present, unless like me, you are 8 months pregnant and everyone is just glad you are getting married, even if he is an asshole. But back to my mistake. Or should I say my most recent mistake.
So we leave the lunchroom and go to the training room which is really neat and I'm going to have to call my old trainer buddy and let her know about the full whiteboard wall they have. There is a man standing outside the room with a suit on. I'm figuring hes a trainer as we are a business professional dress corporation. Nope, he's the VP of Fleet Services and I walk right by him like he's a janitor, holding the door. Everyone else stops and shakes his hand. He notices I walk right by and Kathy, the other new girl who was raised with manners, says something to me about saying hello. I say, is it manditory? Stupid, huh? So I guess my glass ceiling has come down a few floors and being a trainer there is probably out the window.
But, I like my job mostly. Sometimes I don't have anything to do, so I started designed a training program for new employees for their Xerox system that makes and stores copies of everything they do so they don't have to keep files. Boy, DHW at home needs to look into this. This system would save a Brazilian rain forest in the amount of trees saved for paper. And I'm not getting a cutback from Xerox for saying this, although they are welcome to call me to get my mailing address for any checks they feel inclined to send my way.
I have been doing a lot of reading, at breaks and at lunch. But everyone wants to come and sit and eat lunch with me. (See note above.) Maybe I'm just not a friendly type? And now, I don't get invited out to lunch when they go. See now I'm whining again. I want it all my way. Leave me alone when I want to read but invite me to eat out with you when I'm feeling lonely and cut off from the world. In other words, read my mind.
So writing, I have started a health journal to track my thoughts about losing, there is no try, this weight. I can be back in my nice clothes by the new year according to this new "Spark Diet" program. But I freak when I try to limit myself, so I'm writing about my freaking.
And, I sent an essay to Cup of Comfort for Writers. I finished my "Personal Trainers from Hell" finally and now need to research a market to send it to. I still have to write my Grit submission, Corn, corn- I think this is going to be about growing up and going through the corn freezing party we always had. But I haven't written it yet, so who knows.
Anyway, I'll be a better poster, I promise. I'm writing down an appointment for a couple of days from now. Thanks for stopping in. And Janet, thanks for bugging me about not posting.
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